Recipe for 5 gallons:
11 lbs Pale Ale
1 lb Malted Oats
8 oz Flaked Oats
6 oz Carapils
6 oz Honey Malt
5 ml HopShot boil 60 min
8 oz Turbinado boil for 15 min
1 oz Cyro Citra steep 30 min
1 oz Cyro Mosaic steep 30 min
1 oz Cyro Simcoe steep 30 min
1 pkg Omega #OYL-402 Cosmic Punch Ale
21 grams Phantasm Powder
1 oz Cyro Citra dry hop 3 days
1 oz Amarillo dry hop 2 days
1 oz Mosaic dry hop 2 days
1 ml El Dorado extract bottling day
Brewed August 27, 2020
OG 1.069
Kegged September 11, 2022
Build water profile to achieve a 100 PPM sulfate, 170 PPM chloride profile
Mash temperature 154 °F
After boil cool to 180 °F and add the hop stand addition. Stir the wort, then let settle for 30 minutes before cooling.
Dry hop when krausen falls